Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oakville to Ottawa

Leaving Oakville we were fully recharged and put in a 400km day. Thats right 400km( 300 thanks to the GO Train and GO Bus.) We put in our hardest work of the day trying to make the train, we of course were running late getting to the station, we did make it(of course) but only after sprinting carrying loaded bikes up and down stairs and the BOB and even with only made it by seconds. Three hours later we arrived in Peterborough and started our day of riding. We made previous plans to stay with Greg and Stacey in Tweed. They treated us to some hot food, great conversation, and a warm dry place to sleep. Thunder storms were all around us and tornado`s even touched down within a few hundred km`s so we were super thankful to be indoors.
We spent some time in the morning waiting out the last of the rain but around 1:30 we rolled out of town. We initially thought we had left too early since we were in a storm after only 5min of riding but it quickly subsided and we had great weather the rest of the day. We made good time over horrible highways all the way to Maberly. A campground was our home for the night. Luckily it had a small store and we were able to buy some food for dinner and milk for breakfast or else it would have been peanut butter sandwiches for dinner and dry cereal for breakfast.
The next morning we rolled through the historic town of Perth then took some secondary highways straight into Ottawa. We entered the city limits around 6:30pm and were heading straight for Joanna`s aunt and uncles house when all of a sudden I made a quick stop at a yellow light only to hear a, "OHH %$@&!!!" Slam!!! Joanna came crashing into the back of me, she knocked me off my bike and she fell to the ground with bike on top of her and feet still locked into the pedals. After realizing there were no major injuries except maybe to the bikes themselves we walked across the road did some minor repairs and finished the mission to Janet and Tims.

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