Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28 2010 Getting started

After being "nearly" ready to go for 5 days, we are finally actually ready to head out. Or at least as ready as we are going to get! Our bikes are tuned up, and fitted with racks and paniers and the trailer. Although it is rainy and cloudy today, we are hoping to run into a better weather pattern tomorrow, and follow it for a while.

These first few days will be tough, as we are heading straight for the mountains and are going a fair distance without any towns where we can get supplies. Might be a while before we have a chance to post again, but when we do it will hopefully include a beautiful picture of Mount Robson on a sunny day!


  1. nice! here's encouragement through the first long stretch! Looking forward to more posts! already got it bookmarked.

  2. We checked out your first SPOT campsite and it looks cool. Hope there aren't to many bugs.

  3. Hi! Hope the weather is ok! Enjoying your Spot messages! Saturday we're in Telkwa - call or message my cell. Take care! Dad (Mom too!)

  4. Good to Skype with you yesterday! I'm not so sure I wanted to hear the bear story. Stay out of the snow and stay warm! Dad and Mom

  5. Hi Joanna and Luke. We can hardly wait 'til you get here. How great to track you all the way along. Love Aunt Janet Uncle Tim
