Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prince George to Jasper

The first day on our cross-country cycling tour was short, but went smoothly. We didn`t leave Prince George until around 3pm, cycled a little under 40km and camped at Willow River rec site. We were still smiling at the top of the hill looking back over town as we left.

Day two we went on to Hungry Creek (about 60km) and set up camp again. It was a great spot for us to set up for the night. Although we could see bad weather all around us, we managed to stay dry except for a brief hail storm.

Day three we were lucky (?) enough to see a lot of wildlife. Deer, a moose, a coyote, and 8 bears. Most of the bears just checked us out as we rode by, but one male black bear got a little more curious than we would have liked. Luckily there was enough traffic that we could pass by the bears while vehicles drove by, making them too nervous to check us out closer up. At one point I (Joanna) was riding ahead of Luke and came upon a grizzly in the ditch right beside the road. We didn`t notice each other until we were side by side and I am not sure who was more nervous! Definitely the closest I have ever been to a grizzly, and after my heart stopped racing and we had pedaled by without incident I had to admit it was pretty cool.
About 1km from our next camp site at Lasalle Lake (75km) Luke had a spoke break on his bike, making it un-ridable. We were able to walk the bike to the camp and set up for the night. In the morning Luke`s dad came by to help us out, picked us up and drove us to Jasper, where we were able to pick up the needed parts. It was a nice rest day for us, and helped us to make up some time and distance. Thanks Barrie!
Tomorrow morning we are heading out towards Edmonton. We originally wanted to head through the Icefields Parkway to Calgary, but -15 weather and lots of expected snow has called for some changes in our plan. Fortunately we have lots of time and no real schedule to stick to, so we are looking forward to whatever will come next!

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